Brief Narrative Practices

A portal to post graduate specialty training in brief therapies, consultation, and supervision.

Now Available!

Brief Narrative Practice in Single-Session Therapy emphasizes collaboration, meaning-making and relational ethics in single-session conversations. Chapters provide a thorough orientation to the therapy and address the diverse circumstances clinicians face in these conversations- effects of trauma, experience of crisis, being in charge of anxiety/depression. All those who provide psychotherapy, counselling and coaching in time-constrained contexts will find this book useful and engaging, including those working in crisis and call-in settings, walk-in clinics, medical centres, and live-in contexts where change conversations are brief.


Workshops/ Training

Workshops and training experiences that can be tailored to agency context and need.


Getting effective and efficient services to the people.

Clinical Supervision

A commitment to collaboration, co-exploration, and reflection.

Our approach

Collaboration, dialogue, and co-creation of possibility is at the heart of how we want to be with people, practitioners, and organizations. Shaped by narrative therapy, we engage in knowledge generation, and are committed to exploring preferred difference and possibility. This is situated within the frameworks of relational ethics and social justice.

Field Notes

The SST Huddle

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Structuring Safety in SST

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If Single Session Therapy is Not a Model, Mind-set or Intervention, Then What Is It?

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How ‘Story’ is Important to SST

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“The distance that can be travelled in one therapeutic conversation from the starting point of a unique outcome to destinations in new territories of life and identity is often truly remarkable.”