
We provide consultation services to multiple sectors including child protection, educational institutions, and mental health agencies looking to get effective and efficient services to the people.

Program Development

Program Development involves collaboration in regards to shaping your service delivery model, structures, pathways, documentation, data collection and evaluation. Emphasis is on the co-shaping of services that makes sense for people, put service delivery up front, and are in harmony with agency practice ethics and mission. Program development involves:

  • Value-based planning to bring into focus agency/program practice ethics that inform service delivery

  • Eliciting community, service user feedback,

  • Aligning paperwork, recordings, and language with brief services thinking and methodology

  • Developing tools and measures of services that not only elicit outcome data but equally highlight process and contribute to the ongoing skill development of your service providers.

Implementation Success

Getting services to people is what it’s all about, but adjusting long-standing agency pathways can come with many challenges. For some, it’s stepping into the unknown and unfamiliar. When leadership navigates this space at a pace that everyone can handle, changes take hold. Clear and effective implementation approaches are what transform great ideas into sustainable practices that will live on. From developing logic models to exploring the lessons from sibling agencies to sustaining learning, we collaborate to co-shape an implementation approach with leadership so great ideas endure.