The Pen Pal Project
It was at the Neighbouring Communities Community Gathering that I and others came to know Suzie Miller - a teacher, at the time, on Six Nations of the Grand River Territory (a First Nations Reserve) yet living in Caledonia, Ontario Canada. At the NC gatherings we came to hear about an initiative in which Suzie had begun to bring the youth from Six Nations together with the youth of Caledonia following conflict related to a land rights dispute. She was concerned about the negative impression and images the youth were beginning to hold about the children from each community. In response, Suzie started the Pen Pal Project with two classrooms at the time facilitating the youth to write letters to each other with a plan to have them meet at the end of the school year. Starting with two classrooms (about 40 students) in 2016 the Project grew to include 37 classrooms on each side of the Pen Pal (approx 2000 students) who met at the end of their school year.
The Pen Pal Gatherings are like community rituals in which a forum is provided to celebrate shared themes of friendship, respect, and diversity. They provide an opportunity for cultural exchange and education as well as a fun time to meet. The Pen Pal Project found guidance in the teachings of the Two Row Wampum, the agreement crafted between First Nations and settlers. This agreement outlined a relationship of peace and friendship to last forever with non-interference. This is the agreement relevant to our area in southern Ontario.
Shaped by narrative community practice, we looked to create forums in which people could come together to tell and circulate preferred stories of relationship, experience cultural exchange, and to archive these events to assist the meaning to live on.
The Project comes to life through the collaboration and dedication of a cross cultural committee.
Explore this exciting project at
Sky art image of the Two Row Wampum (approx. 1600 pen pals) Image taken at 2013 gathering by Daniel Dancer.
Sky art image of the Eastern White Pine Hugging the Earth (approx. 1200 pen pals) Image taken at 2011 gathering by Daniel Dancer.
Stamp art image by B. called Connecting Communities.