Brief Narrative Practice in Single-Session Therapy

  • Brief Narrative Practice in Single-Session Therapy emphasizes collaboration, meaning-making and relational ethics in single-session conversations. Chapters provide a thorough orientation to the therapy and address the diverse circumstances clinicians face in these conversations. All those who provide psychotherapy, counselling and coaching in time- constrained contexts will find this book useful and engaging, including those working in crisis and call-in settings, walk-in clinics, medical centres, and live-in contexts where change conversations are brief.

  • 1. The Therapeutic Landscape 2. Key Concepts in Brief Narrative Therapy 3. Re-Visioning the Therapeutic Context 4. Calibrating Your Brief Narrative Ear 5. Phase One: Beginnings 6. Phase Two: Meaning Generation and Story Expansion 7. Phase Three: Conversation Endurance 8. Co-Crafting Take-Away Documents 9. Leave- Behind Documents 10. Externalizing Conversations 11. Counter-Storying in Single Session Therapy 12. Addressing the Effects of Trauma in a Single Session 13. The Game Plan 14. Re-membering Conversations 15. Single Session Therapy and Crisis Conversations 16. Navigating Children's Experience of Separation/Divorce 17. Developing Concepts for Living 18. Quality Assurance in Single Session Therapy 19. Conclusion

Masters of Narrative and Collaborative Therapies

  • Tom Andersen, Harlene Anderson, and Michael White have shaped the landscapes of dialogical, collaborative, and narrative therapies. This unique book archives one of their gatherings and, in the spirit of therapeutic practice, is conversational and captures the presentations and exchanges between the three main contributors and international discussants. Tom Andersen invites us along to navigate the ‘forks in the road’ he faced in his emerging career, and he revisits the development of his pioneering ideas such as reflecting teams. Harlene Anderson paints the picture of her experiences in collaboration with women in Bosnia. Michael White, co-founder of the narrative therapy tradition, then provides a clear example of the frontiers of collaborative post-modern therapies. Through the introduction of the theory and application of Vygotskian ideas Michael excites the reader about what is possible to know and do in a therapeutic conversation.

  • Malinen, Cooper, Thomas, An Opening Trialogue.

    Andersen, Words—Universes Travelling By.

    Anderson, Possibilities of the Collaborative Approach.

    White, Scaffolding a Therapeutic Conversation.

    Malinen, Cooper, Thomas, Closing Trialogue.

Masters of Narrative and Collaborative Therapies (Japanese Translation)

  • Tom Andersen, Harlene Anderson, and Michael White have shaped the landscapes of dialogical, collaborative, and narrative therapies. This unique book archives one of their gatherings and, in the spirit of therapeutic practice, is conversational and captures the presentations and exchanges between the three main contributors and international discussants. Tom Andersen invites us along to navigate the ‘forks in the road’ he faced in his emerging career, and he revisits the development of his pioneering ideas such as reflecting teams. Harlene Anderson paints the picture of her experiences in collaboration with women in Bosnia. Michael White, co-founder of the narrative therapy tradition, then provides a clear example of the frontiers of collaborative post-modern therapies. Through the introduction of the theory and application of Vygotskian ideas Michael excites the reader about what is possible to know and do in a therapeutic conversation.

  • Malinen, Cooper, Thomas, An Opening Trialogue.

    Andersen, Words—Universes Travelling By.

    Anderson, Possibilities of the Collaborative Approach.

    White, Scaffolding a Therapeutic Conversation.

    Malinen, Cooper, Thomas, Closing Trialogue.