Axtion Sports Jam

Community showcase of scooter, skateboard, and BMX skills to support mental wellness!

Informed by narrative practice, we try to create forums or arenas in which preferred stories can be shared, witnessed and circulated as a means to generate meaning and visibility. Often, these forums emerge out of community initiatives that are unfolding already. The Axtion Sports Jam emerged from a community collaboration between the local children’s mental health centre, Dixon Cycle, and Grand River Skateshop as a means to address concern for the youth following the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. We focused on the concept of mental fitness and created an event to bring the action sports youth together to showcase and celebrate each other’s efforts.

This is now a yearly family-friendly event to celebrate Skateboard, Scooter, and BMX skills while bringing awareness to children's mental fitness. Taking part in action sports is a great way to grow your mental fitness, deal with stress, exercise, and have fun.